Of, relating to, or being financial principal, or a principal in a financial transaction. There are three capital systems in the world: legal capital system, accredit capital system, compromise capital system. 本金的,资本的属于或关于本金的或财政周转中的资金的世界各国资本金制度大致有三种:法定资本金制度、授权资本金制度与折衷资本金制度。
The principal part of this paper is the analysis of the legal system structure theories of Raz. 本文主要是对拉兹的法律体系结构理论进行梳理和分析。
Government reengineering: the principal and idea of entrepreneurial government The Administrative Concept and Principle Of the CCP in a Society with Legal System 法治社会下党的执政理念及施政原则
The principal act of the crime is omission, while the actor's duty of explanation derives from the charge of authorized organs-prosecutorial organ and supervisory organ according to current legal system. 巨额财产来源不明罪的实行行为方式为不作为犯,行为人说明财产来源合法的义务来源为有权机关的依法责令,根据现有法律可以作出责令的机关为检察机关和监察机关。
The principal task of this paper is to find the suitable legal system to support the development of the west ports so they can better connect the market of Central Asia and Europe. Based on these, they can promote the accumulation of capital in the west. 以什么样的制度支持西部口岸的发展,发挥其在连接亚欧市场方面独特的功能,从而促进西部的地区性资本积累,这是本文研究的主要问题。
Being of constitutive requirements and principal norms in the legal norm system of criminal procedure law, the principles play important and specific roles in enactment and enforcement as the code of legislation, of abiding by law, of enforcement and of justice administration. 作为刑事诉讼法律规范体系的构成要素和根本性规范,刑事诉讼法原则对刑事诉讼法的制定和实施具有独特而重要的作用,发挥着立法准则、守法准则、执法准则和司法准则的功能。
The third part is the principal trade association qualified legal aspects of the legal system, because it is the trade association of legal regulation of the premise. 第三部分是从行业协会的法律主体资格法律制度方面入手的,因为它是行业协会法律规制的前提。